Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Heart Lilly

OK, so my mom bought a puppy in February, Tiger Lilly Belle. I wanted to call her Tigerlily and my mom wanted Lilly Belle, we compromised. Let me just say I am crazy about this dog. She is about as cute as can be... shih tzu puppies must rank as some of the cutest creatures on the planet so I can't be faulted for not resisting her cuteness. She is a golden with a black mask and tips on her ears. She has the tiniest little nose ever.

Lilly follows me around all day, we can't be parted even for bathroom breaks. I have invented games for her like Duck-on-a-Rope. I tied a rope on her favorite stuffed duck and every time she goes for it I yank it away from her. This game can go on for hours. When we are not playing games, sometimes I sing to her. Generally popular songs that I have modified as an ode to Lilly's cuteness. For example, "Stand by Your Puppy" to be sung to the tune of "Stand by Your Man".

"Sometimes its hard to be a puppy.... "

If only I could sing.

When my mom comes home from mah johng we talk about all the cute things Lilly has done during the day... like hide her favorite toy behind the couch. Or see a lizard for the first time.

I mention all of this as an example of how desperately I need to get a life. I want to decamp for Austin next week and get at least a temp job. But I kind of don't want to leave Her Royal Cuteness.


Hey all... sorry I've been MIA... I can't really say I have done anything since I got back from Florida. And yes... the Roebke-Guttierez nuptials were a fabulous affair. I want to live at the Ritz-Carlton. According to The Secret, if I continue to visualize living at the Ritz, it will happen.

Its the freaking end of April and I have crap to show for it. Sigh.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Guess what?

I am completely out of debt. My tax return paid the majority of it, and I cracked open my savings to pay off the remainder. Its a good feeling. It will be nice to start off with a clean slate once I get a job and am out on my own again!

Hopefully this will be motivating to those of you who are still chipping away at your own CC debt! Keep at it, its worth it!

Tuna Salad Hell

So I spent a delightful weekend with Bonnie and my friend Jennifer who fell off the face of the earth after getting married and having a kid (who now wants to hang out again now that she is getting divorced... hm. Maybe someday I will get to return the favor). Anyway, there was a lot of pregnancy talk, and kid talk. I have nothing to add to these conversations. Apparently Jenn had a natural birth, and Bonnie had an olive oil delivery with one of hers. (Thuy, somehow I think that silicone based lubricant you sell would be a better lubricant than olive oil, maybe you can start a trend... ) Anyway, I didn't have much to say.

I got back to Rockport to find my mom making a trough of tuna salad. Many of you have never had my mom's tuna salad. It rocks. Even if you don't like tuna salad, you will LOVE it. When my family gets together, we fight over it. People have been known to steal and horde it. I sometimes take out a sizeable portion and tuck it away under the produce in the fridge to rescue it from maurading nieces and nephews. The tuna salad is heavenly, but I usually put on 5-8 lbs overnight when it is in the house. It also sits in the stomach like cement, and any plans you had to work out, or even just get off the couch go completely out the window as the overwhelming urge to nap takes over.

Now, my mom made a trough when my sister and her family were here. I managed to survive the week by alloting myself one serving a day. I had it for breakfast for an entire week. Since that week I have been TRYING to be good in order to be svelte for Heather's wedding.

There is a whole trough in the fridge. I've had my one serving today. I am trying to resist its tangy bliss. It calls to me even now. Eat me. Eat me.


Pray for me sisters! I can no longer resist the call.

I hope the Ritz has a seamstress on staff.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Forgot to mention...

I managed to postpne my date until I get back from Austin. I am taking suggestions on how to handle the situation.

I haven't showered since Friday.

i.e. I haven't done anything for 5 days. Well not entirely true... just means that I am content to go to Wal-Mart or the beach with my hair in a bandanna and no make up.

I am going to Austin today so I suppose that task can't be avoided anymore.

In other news, the ladies came up with a way to get in touch with Todd Hunter's office without going through the Mills connextions. So his office has my resume, but I'm not anticipating that anything will come of it soon.

In Austin I am going to meet Martha's friend Sarah, who sounds like a lot of fun and will hopefully have some ideas for me. I'll stay with Bonnie, and we are planning to get together with another friend who has moved back to the area.

So that has been my big, exciting week so far!

I am really looking forward to Easter weekend, in which I will be driving my mom and Kay to Mission, Tx where we will be taking a trip south of the border (let me know if you need me to pick up any meds for you (non-narcotic of course)! I am also contemplating having permanent eyeliner applied. The only thing holding me back is knowing that it will only be a week before Heather's wedding... and I am already trying to get rid of the henna tatoo I had applied to my back two weeks ago...

Oh, didn't I mention that? My judgement may have been impared when I made that decision. My niece Alaina got one too. She picked cutesy flowers. I picked the Eye of Horus. (WTF? I mean, I like egyptology and all... but as a tat on my back? See? Judgement definitely impared.) I guess I have learned that I am definitely NOT a tatoo person. After the margaritas wore off I was like... craaaaapppppp. The good news is, that even though it is supposed to last for FORTY DAYS, my exfoliation regimin will have it gone by d-day (Heather's wedding).

So I am thinking about the permanent eyeliner, I am concerned that I will have two black eyes for the grand event. But its only $100 for both eyes!!! How can I resist?

I am sure there will be may tales to tell about the trip to Mission and the trip to the DMZ (aka Mexico)... including how I lasted 5 hours in the car with chain smoking all the way.

Ok, I'm going hit the shower. Later girls!